Luminosity Art & Design
Hand Illustrated Educational Resources

Anatomy of a Unicorn


Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £9.99.

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About this resource:
~ Educational resource that focuses on real creatures & the mythological unicorn, using beautiful illustrations & fun methods.
~ Suitable for older children who are interested in fantasy, stories, mythology & living creatures of all kinds.
~ Compliments all types of learning & teaching styles, whether your child is home-educated or attends school.
~ Makes a beautiful addition to many studies & projects based on living creatures & mythology, or can be combined with our other resources in the collection to make a unit study focused on literacy.

~ Hand-Illustrated with a beautiful, intricate & mythical theme
~ A4 high-quality paper for a beautiful print
~ Laminated for easy wipe-cleaning, durability & re-usability
~ Sticky Dots for ease-of-use & fun for children
~ Easy To Follow simple instructions
~ Wallet Included to safely store everything in
~ Rounded Corners for safety & no sharp edges
~ Secure Packaging for a safe & secure delivery to your door
~ Free Delivery On UK Orders Over £25!

This Resource Teaches:
~ reading & writing
~ research skills
~ living creature facts
~ reading comprehension
~ descriptive writing
~ mythical creature lore

Collection Aims:
In this beautifully illustrated and fact-filled collection, your child can become famed zoologist Albert the Elf’s research assistant. Albert studies creatures of all kinds, but the most fascinating are the mythical ones, and there are so many unanswered questions and discoveries to make. This collection is designed to instil an interest in different living creatures and their amazing attributes, to encourage creative and imaginative writing, and to inspire research and questioning of everything! How would a dragon breathe fire? Could a unicorn really have magical healing properties? Are any creatures capable of these skills? The more questions we ask, the more research we do, the more answers we discover!


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